The last entry for this newsletter was last year. Time flew and yet somehow it’s still January.
It’s nerve-racking to enforce meeting the unusually high goals and expectations we set for ourselves, so, instead, I hope you all had, at minimum, average pockets of rest or victory over the holiday period. And even if you didn’t, I wish for you the courage and serenity to keep going.
As I briefly alluded to in my previous entry, after a very long time, I was fond of how my December shaped out to be. I modernised my website setup. I prepared a work anniversary post. Then, on a whim, I jumped straight into dreaming up what Batch Bunch could manifest into becoming.
The thrill of creating the brand and design of BB from scratch, breathing life into one commit at a time, chatting with Jamie and Daryl for their ideas and feedback, was all super energising and memorable.
Finally, Jamie Tanna and I launched Batch Bunch on January 2nd and had out first event on January 13th.
After initial nerves surrounding “omg, what if no one shows up?!?”, it was amazing to welcome the first ever BB attendees friends IRL. There were so many moments I’ll cherish from Mark’s genius tinkering with hardware equipment to Anna showing me my old poem on the Tech Nottingham blog — thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single person who attended. I was seated opposite Lex (which reminded me of the time I was fortunate enough to share a desk with her as a colleague during my early stint as a designer!) who graciously helped unblock some UX decisions I’d been stuck on for forever on my cricket scoring app. A problem shared, truly, is a problem halved.
Overall, a major theme that I’m finding myself drawn towards after a break over the pandemic years is reconnecting with the tech community. No doubt, growing BB for Nottingham is a community-led initiative that I am excited to continue playing my part in for the rest of 2025.
Mandatory call-to-action → If you / someone you know would benefit from attending the next BB event for an evening of casually working on your side-projects in the company of a lovely group, do RSVP.
- Rizwana